That's what we call the slow, steady, soak-deep-into-the-ground drizzle that New Mexico rarely gets but always so desperately needs. If these rains do come, they do so right about now—just in time to mess with the Balloon Fiesta, cool things down at night, and send the hummingbirds still lingering at my feeders into full-on migration mode. Adios, little birdies; see you guys next year . . .
The good thing about these rains? My garden loves it. One of my rose bushes will continue its fall flush until the end of the month and my petunias and snapdragons won't stop blooming until the first truly hard frost, which can arrive as late as December. And while it often snows in the fall, it doesn't last. We'll get one, two inches, the sun comes out the next day, and the temps warm to the high 60s, low 70s. It's not unusual to eat Thanksgiving, even Christmas, dinner outside.
Our heaviest snowfalls come in February, March, and April. One year, it dumped so much snow mid April, when I went around to the north side of the house to clear the satellite dish, I was buried in a roof avalanche. That was the year we decided to put snow blocks up on the roof. Small dogs and children regularly die from large falls of snow off a roof, and while we don't have either, we do have me. Imagine if S.B. had returned from a work trip to find me missing from the kitchen and Ivan outside, resolutely planted beside this hump of snow in the shape of a ding-a-ling in a snowsuit. Funny, but kind of not really.
Also kind of not really funny? Running with Maddie in the rain. Today, she and I are scheduled for a five-miler in the hills but while I have trail shoes and gaiters, she does not. She is short and has long fur and just got back from the groomers. Yeah. You ever try cleaning mud out of a Border Collie's fur? I just don't have that kind of time.
So anyway. Tell Moi: what are your falls like?
Best time of the year in Troll County in my opinion. Very low rainfail. Pretty much never cloudy for long stretches. Cooler. Lower humidity. Generation Yo!2 back at "School" or what passes for Schools these days. Not many tourists yet.
Some people like Spring better but I don't because of:
fires (sometimes)
Some like Winter better but I don't because of:
BIG crowds
occassional cold weather
shitty fishing
I need a more creative name for today's yutes 18 and under. They seem to me to be very similar to Generation Yo! but one must adhere to the change Generation Names every 20 years or so tradition.
Maybe you've noticed some subtle differences emerging? And have a name better than Generation Yo!2?
Troll: Our spring sucks eggs too. Winter is fine as long as the temperatures don't dip too low, like they did last year. Minus anything is never good. Hmmm . . . what to call the up-and-coming crop of kids . . . Generation Gimme?
We typically get beautiful weather here in October... but so far this month? Rain/gloom/rain.
But I love bringing out the fall sweaters/coats and all of this rain does keep down the pollution and helps with allergies/etc.
face down?
Boxer: Fall dressing is the best dressing!
Czar: ??
There is a saying that if you don't like the weather in Cincinnati, wait 5 minutes and it will change. We can get about anything during the fall. But this week we're having Indian Summer, with blue skies and temps up in the 80s tomorrow. I'll take that while I can!
don't hate me when I say that October is spectacular here. The leaves are turning their rich warm colors even with he drought this summer; carolina blue skies with few clouds and warmish days in the low 70's and crisp 40's at night. The sun is lower in the south so golden light filters through the forest making long shadows -a backdrop for falling leaves. They rattle when the wind blows and in concert with the whispery evergreens its the most beautiful sound. Turkey hens are roosting across the creek in the virginia pines. You can wear a jacket and boots now. i know you like that! all the events are starting to happen. Id be making a dog costume by now, but this year I have to shoot video and cant participate in "paws in the park". Its great here. I would never leave Blue RIdge at this time of year. NEVER>
Eggy: Our weather does the same five minutes thing. Aren't Indian Summers the best?
Chickory: Oh, no, I totally get it. I was there end September last year and could feel it coming. This is by far my favorite time of year, too. And while we don't get much of the leaf change thing, we do get just about everything else. Sweaters and boots and jackets—YES!
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