Dear King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia,
I've been following with some amusement these WikiLeak releases of U.S. diplomatic cables in which you and your buddies repeatedly urge us to attack Iran in order to destroy its nuclear weapons program.
You all have been mighty vocal in your across-the-board opinion that Iran's leadership is evil, an existential threat, and will only lead us into a wider war in the region. The only way to stop this threat, you believe, is to cut off the head of the snake, by which I assume you mean Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Look, I agree with you. As far as Ahmadinejad is concerned, the fact that 1982 keeps calling to ask for its Members Only jacket back can only mean one thing, and it's not stability of mind. Then again, look at you guys. All that bulk around the middle? Not flattering.
Still, how about a little quid pro quo, here? We'll give you Ahmadie if you give us your boy.
Hell, lets' ALL throw poo at each other so it can get posted on the 'net !!
"members only jacket" --HOWL!!
Moi, youse a stitch.
the "members only jacket" comment made me spit out coffee.
Good afternoon Moi,
Hello from 33,000 ft. They want us to do all the dirty work, while they sit back and look inocent. And it,s not too likely as long as the family is in favor with the royals.
Heff: It is all so very much like junior high school.
Aunty: His "suits" aren't much better.
Boxer: Maybe the man is so cranky because he's so disheveled?
Karl: Don't tell me you're paying for internet up there? Or did the airlines suddenly snap and realize they can't charge us for what's already in the air?
It was a freebe promotion. The quality quite poor. And it kept dropping the connection. I lost comments at both Aunty's and Troll's. Both of which were astute observations and exactly to the point, so intuitive that any reader would have had an Aah moment when reading them. And now they're gone, lost in the cyber ozone. Oh, what a world, what a world.
On that note. I think I hear a pint calling my name. A good evening to you!
We should have been all over Saudi Arabia's ass after 9/11. Abdullah needs to STFU, in public and in private.
Karl: I'm sorry for your loss. Thank goodness there's always alcohol.
Czar: I've said it before and I'll say it again: the first thing GWB should have done post 9/11 was ringy dingy the Saudi's and given them a couple month's deadline to hand us Bin Laden and his buds, with the threat that if they didn't, we'd turn the whole damn region into a glass parking lot and take over those oil fields ourselves. Instead, what did we do? Fuck it up in Afghanistan and invade Iraq. Real bright.
The UK should be having a special relationship with Moi not the idiots who run things from the big white building :)
Cake: And we'd all go shopping and forget our silly squabbles.
"As far as Ahmadinejad is concerned, the fact that 1982 keeps calling to ask for its Members Only jacket back can only mean one thing, and it's not stability of mind." Brilliant!
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