And then went and put something decent on them and then on THAT day, gave this directive.
If you could see me now, you'd see me doing a happy dance. In heels. In my running shoes. Heck, in my slippers. In anything but the most gad awful ugly ass things to ever grace a human foot. No more. Now, if only we could do something about sweats and capris. One day at a time, one day at a time.
I wear sweats when I'm sweating or intend to do so. Capis are a big no no. I am just not that coomfortable in my masculinity to strut around in them.
Besides being nasty plastic them Crocs are just plain fugly
Darn...another trend I missed.
What I noticed in that article was an advertisement with a picture of Meg Ryan asking "How she keeps looking so young."
Christ on a crutch, the woman has had cosmetic surgery. You can't buy a face cream for that.
Glad you're happy.
I'm borrowing your link. The particulars on your wedding gig are:
Macon Georgia. Church. Inside. 2:00 PM start. Mid-August (will prolly be hotter than hell). Might have to go to reception too. Not taking a date. Not part of the ceremony. Don't want to spend much on gift.
Crocs do look quite cute on 1 year olds but that is about it. What about 70s clogs they were pretty dire do you remember...worse than Crocs?
NYD: And it gets REALLY ugly when people pair Crocs and capris together. Yeah. That's a look I want for myself: tree stump.
Gnome: Ryan has ruined her face with gah only knows how many awful plastic surgical procedures. That's what kills me. All that money, honey, and not a skilled surgeon to be found? Who ARE these doctors?
Troll: See my comment in your latest blog post.
Emma: Oh, yes, I'll allow them on children under 10. I had a pair of those clogs, but then again, I was also under ten years old. Somewhere, the entire country of Sweden is crying "foul."
Yea! Where are the artful plastic surgeons?
I think you should do an investigative article on the subject. Personally, I'm tired of silly huge boob jobs. You could search the world for tastefuly done silicone chesticles.
I'll help with the photo essay part.
I am proud to have never owned a pair of crocs.
Ding dong, the croc is dead!
I've never owned a pair, wanted a pair, thought about owning a pair.
This is when I'm happy about the recession.
Gnome: I have seen very few well done boob jobs. But if you think they're out there, scout away and I will comment.
WTWA: Thankfully, you have recently revealed your exemplary taste in footwear. Carry on.
Boxer: It was mass fashion madness: Suddenly, perfectly rational people around the globe dropped their sensible and good looking Borns and Birkenstocks in favor of, what? Chunky hunks of plastic in the most obnoxious neon colors possible? Was it a terrorist plot? Something in the water?
and I personally think it was a poorly run company from the very beginning. I bought my Sister a pair direct from Crocs, many moons ago, before they were EVERYWHERE and it was a customer service nightmare. Disorganzied mess of a company and I don't think I ever got my credit/product. It's a good example of how a business can have a product that's selling (WHY, I have nooo idea) but can still not be profitable etc.
Having worn clogs most of my life (I know, I know) I'm glad that Crocs are dead CLOGS still live.
(xoxox from S.F. it's awesome.)
jes' as well--cain't run the La Luz in them thangs.
I only ever forked out for one pair and kept them in the gym bag so I could slip them on to drive home in, so they would be in the car when handy after a long day of real shoes. Not that my real shoes are anything like YOUR real shoes. I only dream of those! Handy for gardening and as above, there are so many copycats on the market now, their days were numbered anyway!
Went power-walking with my girlfriend once and she had on bright flouro pink crocs. I says "girlfriend, WTF?" She says "they're comfortable" La Diva says "yeah so are your slippers and you don't wear THOSE out of the house. further, your condo-livin' ass doesn't even have a garden so take them off and NEVER, I mean NEVER let me see them on you again!" She was shamed. Never saw them on her again...at least not with me! hehe! My job was done.
oh please....oh please....
I mean, I always thought they'd go the way of the dinosaur, but did it have to take so long?
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