Monday, November 5, 2007

And She Ran

Question is: Why didn't she just keep going?

'Cause that Cruisin' new haircut? It would send me screaming into the hills.

(Psssst: is it just Moi, or is this look perhaps a wee bit Clay Aiken?)


Wicked Thistle said...

LOVE the "Celebretards" label on this thing! Most celebrities exist only in my peripheral vision, but Tom Cruise really creeps me out. Do we really think he spawned that child? Personally, I think it's all some Michael Jackson/Debbie Rowe type arrangement. Weird, man.

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

her earphones?

sooo illegal.

srsly. that's a DQ now. Can you believe it?

I mean, it always was -- but now apparently people enforce it. weird.

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

see? I did not make this up.

moi said...

Wicked: Ja, 'cept check out the child. Looks just like one of those David Letterman composites – an even mix of both their facial features. Sigh. I wish Celebretards would quit having children. So many of them just end up so fucked up. Then again, where would psychotherapists and drug dealers be without them?

Pirate: Exsqueeze Moi? Huh, talk about privilege: she was running with race official body guards. Maybe they just thought she's never, ever going to make it so leave the girl alone. Either that, or Tom Cruise put a Scientology hex on 'em. As for the issue itself, wow, am I ever on the fence with this one. I'd never tip over into 10.5 minute mile land without da iPod. But I do so understand how music trumps all the other senses. Hmmm . . . perhaps a subject for a Pirate post?

Aunty Belle said...

What I ain't never figgered out is why celebtards (Hee hee!!) is newsworthy in the first dern place? It's jes' an endless loop of live soap operas, wif' us playin' the part of voyeurs.

BUT, I will see the Tommy Lee Jones newbie based on Cormac McCarthy's fine novel, NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN.

moi said...

Aunty Belle: Most of these celeb-type folk are about as worth worshiping as my doggie doodie pile. So why, exactly, we pay attention to them, that's an endlessly fascinating subject to Moi.

'cept I do take my own worship of Tommy Lee Jones very, very seriously :o). said...

OMG! I have been thinking the same thing-- he looks a little on the "pretty" side. He's actually looking prettier and healthier than his wife these days. Is it just me or did she go from 25 to 45 in the blink of an eye?

Jenny said...

Oh, a moment of silence please for Tommy Lee Jones... now THAT'S a man. *sigh* I think Katie should have kept running... away from Tom. And you're RIGHT... he does look like Clay Aiken (for many reasons.)

moi said...

Stepherz: I always had high hopes for Katie as an actress. There was something intelligent and slightly fierce about her. Now she just seems wan and stunted.

AB: "Not that there's anything wrong with that." {snigger, snigger}. As an anecdote, I feel me a Tommy Lee Jones post comin' on . . .

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

misty beat me to it...

Aunty Belle said...

okey dokey , ladies, we got us a consensus on TLJ...hoo-whee...I'se sittin' on ready , waitin' on go fer that movie to be released.

I done read the book--it is a humdinger(Confession: I think Cormac McCarthy is the best man writin' in the USA today...and ROn HAnsen a close second.) and Tommy Lee is the dead right cast fer the sheriff.

Anonymous said...

cruise, travolta . . . the rumors about each have been around for years. i've worked on 2 books which posited the possibility that the secret to the kingdom of god has to do with, uh, er, how do i put this mildly -- male/male inter- -- damn, moi, i don't want to drag your blog into the muck. but these books both came from a particular denominational/church press for which i labor. So, what I'm saying is, maybe the scientologists also, well, at the highest levels, er, uh. . . .

moi said...

Czar: Muck away. Seriously. Inquiring minds want to know. Again, not that there's anything wrong with that, but if a little hanky-panky between two dudes is the secret to an eternity of pool party luncheons with the Big Guy Upstairs, then what Pat Robertson et al have been saying for the past bazillion years is, like, wrong. Are they just trying to throw us all off the path? Oh jeez, where's O'Blossom when you need her?

And dang, isn't that just the subject for a NaNo novel?

Anonymous said...

well, you know, Jesus, and the disciple he loved, well, whose head was in his lap and who he spoke secretly to at the last supper . . . and then there was the boy who was running away from Jesus wearing only a gown to cover his nakedness . . . and then all those Greeks . . . two books from Pilgrim Press, the publishing arm of the United Church of Christ, positing that the joys of male/male anal sex were so incredible that such joy revealed the kingdom of God and secrets of the universe.

Two points: (1) I think one time I got pretty close with far less painful nitrous oxide canisters. (2) After a gastrointestinal scare some years back, I had a flexible sigmoidoscopy. Maybe that went right past my prostate, but it weren't no fun at all.

moi said...

Aunty: I have never read Cormac. I'll give him a go. But puhleeze tell Moi, he's nothing like Annie Proulx, right?

Czar: Well, all I can say is: hmmmm . . . definitely worth researching. And it's good to hear that men have an equivalently cringe-worthy "exam."

Meghan said...

Tom Cruise is a fruit. Don't even get me started. And, when I say fruit, I don't mean gay (though he may very well be)... I mean he has all the properties of a piece of FRUIT.

Run, Katie, run.

moi said...

Meghan: You win the prize for Funniest Commentary Regarding this Blog Post Subject. Your creativity has just pledged renewed fidelity.