Just a reminder, folks, that the La Diva-sponsored Culinary Throw Down for this month will take place tomorrow, December 9.
Theme is: Salt. Once again, I have been asked to judge and this time will bestow upon the winner the brand-spanking-new award, designed exclusively for the challenge by Miz K9:

Ain't he cute?
When you've finished, post the results on your site, with photos and recipes if you'd like, then head over to La Diva's to say, "I'm up!" I'll be around to check everyone out and will proclaim a winner no later than end of day this Friday.
So, ¡¡andale andale, muchachos, arriba arriba!!
Which, loosely translated, means, "Get crackin' all you salt monkeys!"
I love this brick of pink salt. I want to build a little salt brick house with them.
I actually have an entry and it's ready to rock. Looking forward to the challenge and to see what everyone comes up with for salt. I'm hoping we see a lot of diversity.
Thanks for being the judge Moi.
My entry is complete and now I wish I had actually cooked something because that award is AWESOME.
Damn right he's cute! That's me!
Hey Moi, since I was the last "winner" am I able to steal this logo instead? Is that allowed Mizz judgy-wudgy?!! hehe!
Mine is abysmal and double image forked!!! (as you say!)
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